We have all experience problems with our computers at one time or other and often times when we install a new computer program we find that what we did tended to damage our current computer settings. How often have you regretted installing a new software package and only wished that you had not done so?
Well in case you were unaware of it the Windows XP operating system package has a very unique feature which is built into the package itself. This feature is commonly known as the Windows XP System Restore. Simply put this feature of the XP operating system allows you to reset your computer to a previous date with the primary purpose of recovering data stored before your current changes were made. Often, the system restore function may be invoked when you encounter a specific operating problem especially a major one involving a recent software installation. The major advantage of all of this is that you would not have to reinstall your operating system nor all the various software packages that you had previously placed on your computer hard drive. No longer would you risk the possibility of losing all your personal preferences and your badly needed hardware and software drivers. In this manner you can still manage to work with your machine again without your data and other significant files which may be stored inside your hard drive being lost.
Your next question may be just how does this system work? The Windows XP System Restore uses specified restore points or regularly saved computer configuration snapshots that have been taken of your particular computer. These may have been taken automatically or whenever you start to install a new software package. These restore points hold all the current information about your computer such as the programs installed and all their associate perimeters. These points are what will be your reverted configuration when you invoke the system restore command. This compete restore action is accomplished easily and quickly with the use of the System Restore Wizard. You need not concern yourself with the fact that you are not a computer expert as it simply does not matter. You can still restore your computer into a working mode again using the Windows XP System Restore feature.
As previously mentioned these restore points were created from the first time that you initially installed the Windows XP Operating System. Any time you plan to make a major change to your system you can rest assured that the Sys Restore has noted this and taken the appropriate actions towards taking configuration snapshots in the event that you must once again restore your system to a previous configuration. Installing new programs and software has never been more reliable then now as you have the sys restore to back you up. By default it should be set for automatic backup operation.
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